Wednesday, November 28, 2012

DVD Review: Gummibär The Yummy Gummy Search for Santa

Image courtesy Lionsgate.
Chances are, you've seen the "I'm a Gummy Bear" video before online. Or you've heard the song. In fact, your kids might be bugging you with it right now. But never before has Gummi been seen in a full length feature film! Well, now your kids will have the opportunity to bother you all over again with this new Christmas special: The Yummy Gummy Search for Santa.

Also, read my interview with one of the creators of Gummi, Jurgen Korduletsch!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters DVD Review and Giveaway!

Image courtesy Hasbro Studios/Shout! Factory.

I have never been one for the serial marital arts cartoon series, but I have to say, Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters - Creatures Unleashed has made a believer out of me. I'm actually kind of annoyed with myself that I haven't been watching this all along already! It's REALLY GOOD. No, I mean REALLY.

This new DVD from Hasbro Studios and Shout! Factory doesn't hit the streets until December 4th, but they were kind enough to send me a copy to give away to one of my lucky readers! Enter easily using the Rafflecopter widget below! Contest ends December 4, 2012.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, November 26, 2012

It's a SpongeBob Christmas! on DVD

Image courtesy Nickelodeon Studios.

Gasp! A SpongeBob review on The TV Mom blog? I know, right! But honestly, I was pleasantly surprised. And yes, this is coming from a non-SpongeBob-fan like me. This special actually aired on non-cable television (CBS) last week, and is already available to purchase as a DVD, complete with awesome special features.

Monday, November 19, 2012

First Look: Littlest Pet Shop

Hey TV Mom readers! Sorry it's been so quiet around here. The month of November took a few turns I wasn't expecting. There was a death in my family a few days after my birthday (I was posting on the go for my last entry, unfortunately, which led to some typos that I got raked across the coals by the Brony community for... sorry, DJ-Pon3 is a girl, I know!), and after a week of being two states away from home for the funeral, I came back to have a minor surgical procedure I wasn't planning on. It wasn't a great way to start off my thirtieth year on this planet, for sure. So, with all that said, I finally have some new content for you!

Image courtesy The Hub/Discovery Networks.

In case you've missed it, The Hub premiered their new series, Littlest Pet Shop on November 10th. There are only about three episodes so far, but if you have a little girl, it's worth checking out. TV Boy isn't so enthused with it, honestly, because there is a LOT of pink and adorableness that he isn't entirely on board with... and that's coming from my son, the Brony. He did, however, enjoy the adorable press kit I got that looks like the pet shop and includes a little "elevator" that he can play with... I don't know what it is with this boy and elevators lately, but it attracted him like a moth to the flame.

Check out my full article about Littlest Pet Shop at my page!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Rockin' Out Toon Style!

Image courtesy Daniel Ingram and (c)

I recently got the incredible opportunity to chat to this gentleman, Daniel Ingram. He's written over 100 songs for cartoon shows, and he is the chief composer for the upcoming new series on The Hub, Littlest Petshop, which features lots of big musical numbers. Chances are, if you've never heard his name, you've heard his work. His show music credits include greats like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Pound Puppies, Chuck the Truck, and Martha Speaks.

Check out my full interview with him here at my page, including a musical interlude of our own!

Also, be sure to tune in to The Hub this Saturday, November 10th at 11am Eastern to see the premiere of Daniel's new musical masterpiece, Littlest Pet Shop. Click here for fun printable party favors from for the premiere!