Thursday, January 29, 2015

Rejoining the blogosphere... with COMIC BOOKS!

I have been one of the laziest bloggers ever lately. I'll openly admit that. I had fallen into a funk, gotten tied up in novel writing (with which I still am not finished), had the holidays to deal with and recover from, and so much more. I even applied for some new writing gigs... one of which, I got! I am now one of the Comic Book contributors for! My first article is already live over there, and I'd love for you all to pop over there and give it and SOS some love for me! Click the image below to read my take on the new Female Thor!

I'm still going to be promoting my work here, and maybe occasionally doing the random review here and there for my blog. However, I am working on having new things to focus on, new frontiers to explore, and hopefully more to talk about for all of you fabulous readers of mine. Plus, hopefully now I'll be able to head off to more comic cons--on business, of course--and participate in panels, meet cool people, and parade TV Boy around in his 10th Doctor cosplay!

As they used to say... STAY TUNED FOR MORE!