
Like my little "Commercials" section over there in the bar on the right? Do you have a blog or site and want to be a part of it?

Please use the "Contact TV Mom" button, fill out the form, and be sure to include the HTML code for your button (no larger than 250 pixels square, please) in the "message" section of the form. I will review your blog or other content before posting, and will email you when your ad is live.

Advertising on is currently FREE. Yes, you read that right, no charge whatsoever. I'm still of a small circle of followers, and I like the "pay it forward" theory when it comes to promoting blogs and other content written by awesome people. Eventually, I hope to have enough permanent advertisements that I can program a widget to rotate them out. Of course, when I become huge, I might start charging, but I have a feeling that's a ways off still. That said, when and if I become widely known throughout the blogosphere, I will grandfather in any of my original advertisements. In other words, get it while the gettin's good!

If you do not already have a blog- or content-specific "button" for your site, I'd be happy to create one for you for a menial fee of $25 for the first hour of work, and $10 for each additional hour, with a minimum charge of one hour. (Honestly, I rarely have a graphic that takes me longer than two hours tops.) For that price, you will receive a graphic button and the code to post it to your site, along with the optional "grab my button" code box for others to copy and use on their pages. Again, please use the contact form and mention your needs of a button, and I'll be happy to assist you.

Thanks for reading and wanting to advertise with The TV Mom!

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