Saturday, June 7, 2014

Happy 5th Birthday TV Boy!

In case you've been wondering where I've been, I've been in party planning mode for a certain TV Boy, who turns five today! Last night was his family Doctor Who theme party, and to celebrate, he debuted his new 10th Doctor David Tennant cosplay in front of our Tardis door.

You can't see very well in the image, but the suit is indeed pinstriped. And yes, he wore it the entire night, even playing outside in high 70 degree weather. Now I need to find a coat for him. Did you know that pretty much no one makes full length trenchcoats for kids? So I'm going to alter a juniors one for him. That's my plan anyway... we'll see if it works out the way I'm hoping. (As evidenced by my Instagram today, very little goes according to my plans...)

And in case you were wondering, here's the pose we were copying:

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the kid who made me a mom, my one and only, my TV Boy! Now on to the Minecraft theme party for his friends today... wish me luck!

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