Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My Little Pony Season 4 Finale! #MLPSeason4

I've been teasing this for my past couple entries... this weekend is the Season 4 finale of My Little Pony on Hub Network! Leading up to the two part finale itself, Hub Network will be airing a marathon of pony awesomeness from the entire season beginning at 7:30am Eastern/4:30am Pacific (yikes, sorry West Coast-ers! Set your DVRs perhaps?) with the finale itself airing at 10am Eastern/7am Pacific.

"Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1"

To answer the question my Pony loving friends are asking: Yes, I have seen the finale. Yes, it is pretty rad. I don't want to give too much away, because there is no fun in spoilers! However, this year they have done something entirely different and the season finale is cumulative over the season, whereas before they have been stand-alone adventures. If you've read my Season 4 Wrap Up you might have an idea of HOW that all happens. Hint hint!

Here's what I can say without spoiling much: Twilight is disillusioned with her role as princess, being that she doesn't have a kingdom to protect or an important job like raising the sun or moon. She feels like the only reason she's a princess is to be a figurehead, and that's not something she jives with. When Equestria is threatened from a *new villain*, she offers to come to the rescue, but Celestia has someone else in mind for the task. Twilight, frustrated, turns her attentions to figuring out how to open the chest at the Tree of Harmony, hoping it contains some clues as to what her calling as royalty is. What happens is nothing short of fantastic!

I'm not giving you anything else! I want you all to tune in on Saturday morning, so I have to leave it up to time to share the rest!

However, tonight I will be joining another "What's the Hubbub?" chat with voice actress Tara Strong and head writer Megan McCarthy! This time I will only get to ask two questions, but I'm so excited! You can tune in to watch live tonight at 8pm Eastern by clicking this link. You can also follow all the talent and crew on Twitter using #MLPSeason4 or their individual accounts:

  • Tara Strong @tarastrong
  • Andrea Libman @AndreaLibman
  • Tabitha St. Germain @StTabitha
  • Cathy Weseluck @CathyWeseluck
  • Ashleigh Ball @ash_leigh_ball
  • Meghan McCarthy @MMeghanMcCarthy
  • Jayson Thiesen @goldenrussett
  • Daniel Ingram @dannyimusic
I will also post the whole interview video here at TheTVMom.com when it's in the can! I can't wait! Stay tuned TV Fans! It's about to get 20% cooler in here!

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